Hey you all! I presume you've come here from my other site, but just in case you haven't, here it is! http://starfiresanime.fanspace.com! This site is yaoi, as in guy/guy homosexual activity. Some of it may be hentai/lemon or lime scenes, involving graphic or not so graphic sex. In the case of Amiboshi and Suboshi, insest.
If you have problem with this, leave now. If you don't, Im not your babysitter, or your mom, so continue. But don't send me any flames on the inclosed material.
11-05-02: Hey, everyone, its me, youre great and mighty person! Anyway, just wanted to say, I finally got my computer fixed, but that I changed my e-mail address... Sorry... Um, my new address is: LoAkiima@hotmail.com
07-14-02: Hey, it's me, Akiima... new columns up, and also, I'm working on submitting us to geocities... yay!
06-20-02: Hitari's column is up, as is one of her new stories, the first two chapters anyways!
06-14-02: I just contacted all of my permanent fics/column writers about why they blew off their duties... Don't worry, the site will be up and running much better soon.
04-22-02: New authors! New Suboshi/Amiboshi fics... only one posted, but posting the others within the week! Yay!
This site has been revamped! It has many new sections just added on January 13th, 2002. Happy New Year! Im turning sixteen in six days. More work will be done throughout the week. Please review the changes on my *new* guestbook!