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For this month, sneak preview ~
This is the first part of a cross-over project which I haven’t
announced in my site, and is far from over, but I think a lot of
people would be interested in it ^^ This first part has yet to be
edited, and I’m simply posting it as of now for feedback (title
suggestions even) as well as a treat/teaser to FY fans and WK fans
alike. Hope you like it and look forward to the finished version,
which I’ll prolly put up next month.
~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~

Fushigi Yuugi X Weiss Kruez Cross-over sneak preview

~ ”It is your job, then, to protect the miko. Remember…


remember…” ~

“Nagi, Nagi…”

Shadow-deepened blue eyes winked, opening slowly to warmth that
husked softly over his face. Nagi reached a hand on one scarred
cheek, vaguely aware of his surroundings – for some reason it felt as
if he was dreaming now, whilst the earlier images were reality.
Farfarello’s hand was a gentle thrumming over his belly.

“Farf-sama…” Nagi recognized, a rally of sensations stirring
awake. Always the Irish man smelt like trees, perhaps a forest, and a
smoky, rich smell, even ashes. It went *very* well with fever-hot
skin, he mused, their bodies pressed together further as Farfarello
pulled at his hips.

Are…? Nagi felt his body responding twice as fast when he realized
that they were both entirely naked. Farfarello often woke him up by
simply tugging at his pajama’s waistband. “A little fast
tonight…” He

“You took too long to wake up.” Farfarello’s leg wedged
between his
thighs, nudging them apart; when he sought purchase of the smooth
skin on his lover’s back the man caught his wrists and pinned them
against the pillows, kissing his forearms tenderly.

“I was… dreaming.” Nagi managed before his body went stiff,
teeth latch onto his earlobe. He felt his skin ache with need and
lifted his hips, his body begging, and yet the strange old woman
wouldn’t leave his mind. The woman who spoke to him in his dreams…
felt that he knew her, was actually sure of it, but what he couldn’t
forget most was…

“Fucking ugly as an ox.” Farfarello murmured. Nagi lifted his head.


Farfarello actually paused, his hands clasping over Nagi’s. “My
dream… I saw a witch.”

Nagi simply stared in shock. A witch? But…

~ + ~

Typical, if you ask him, for girls to clamor and insist on seeing his
lovely face before they could say that their day was complete; there
was just something about him that made their knees weak, made their
dreams come true, made their young bodies boil hot then run cold with
a rush of womanly desires. Ask any of them, piled up in droves both
inside and outside the Koneko No Sumu, who their favorite bishounen
was. No doubt the unanimous answer would be…

“Yojiii~ii, how much longer?” Impatient knocking pounded on the
bathroom door and Kudou Yoji paused from combing his hair, both
admiring himself in the mirror and concurrently running a commentary
on his looks. Ken’s voice was a muffled sound behind him.
crying, I told you.”

The wooden door opened, releasing a musky steam that meant two hours
of Yoji hogging the bathroom. The blonde, lanky man placed his
glasses on the crook of his nose, hardly covering his eyes. “Lead the
way, Ken.”

Ken’s frown was upon him. “Mou, you don’t even seem to care.
you even mind leaving Aya with your exes?”

“Not as long as it’s a she…” Yoji murmured; if so Aya
would, should
know the true depth of their relationship. The women were a front –
they always were. As for other men… he didn’t dare concur

“What was that?” Ken asked.

“Nan demo nai!”

Typical of Tuesday mornings the shop was empty save for Aya’s
unsmiling face, which looked doubly, dangerously calm as he poured
tea for their visitor. The first thing Yoji noticed was that her aqua
blue jacket and red shorts looked hideous together, the view of her
face obstructed by potted plants. He sauntered to the working table
with enviable grace and leaned against the counter.

“Ohayo.” He greeted, purposely posing.

The girl stared at him long and hard, then walked to where he stood.
Yoji was, of course, ignoring her to pretend read order slips, not
even looking at her yet. It made him look serious and hard to get, he
was sure.

“Oniichan!” The girl howled, and then flung herself over him, legs
clamping around his waist. Yoji let out a yelp as he was nearly
barreled over the counter.

“Oniichan…” Came the pitiful sobbing and Yoji found himself in
as tear-glistened brown eyes blinked up at him, the same molten brown
that he had hidden under green contact lenses for over two years now.
Aya was speechless beside them.

Two whole years… she barely changed. “Miaka…” Yoji
gathering her bawling form into her arms. He squashed the instinctive
urge to comment at her – gasp – purple sleeveless top, exactly what
the outfit needed to make the today’s worse ten list. They stayed
that way for a few moments, Miaka crying, Yoji with his eyes closed,
Aya looking adorably helpless as he continued to deliberately wipe
over the counters. The shop fell silent and they were content with
that, until a loud thump was heard from the stairway and then heavy

Ken’s voice was a thunderous shout. “Omi!!!”


“Schulderich, Crawford! Ya bastards, open up!!!”

The Schwarz main bedroom door opened slowly to reveal fiery red hair,
Schulderich’s face obscured from their view as the assassin fell
forward on Farfarello’s chest. The naked Irishman caught him with
both arms.

“Schu!!!” Nagi called out, scrambling from behind Farfarello.
what happened?”

Sleep-hazed jade eyes peered down. “It’s barely dawn, you
Sleepy…” He yawned before promptly dozing off.

“It’s ten in the morning!” Nagi replied exasperatedly, poking
at the
silk and lace cherry-colored negligee barely covering Schuderich’s
lean form. “And what’s this?”

As it was Schulderich was too tired to lie. “Just felt like it last
night…” He pulled the door back and walked in, grabbing his own
discarded green trousers to throw at Farfarello. “Thought Brad would
like it, but noo~o…”

“Ne, ne?” Nagi pressed, perching over a now partially-dressed
Farfarello’s lap as they made themselves comfortable over Crawford’s
black recliner.

Schulderich grimaced at the memory. “Forget it, brat.” He trudged
over to Crawford’s abandoned cream-colored suit jacket, pulling it
over his shoulders. “What was it you needed?”

“Schu…” Nagi and Farfarello glanced at each other, reaching
various body parts. Nagi pulled at his pajama’s right leg to display
a Chinese character drawn on his waist. Farfarello’s blanket fell
down to his waist as he raised his arm and showed his forearm.

Shulderich looked unimpressed. “You woke me up… to brag about
matching tattoos?”

“They’re not tattoos!” Nagi cried out. “They’re
real! We woke up with

“You have one, too.” Farfarello quipped calmly.

“No, I *don’t*,” Schulderich griped, falling back on his bed.
“I only
have one tattoo, and Brad’s the only one alive who’s seen it.”
rolled sideways to snag a pillow and luxuriated on the feel of silk
sheets, considering kicking his teammates out for some more shut-eye.

“But Schu…” Nagi whined, shuffling barefoot towards him. He
down beside the bed and started tugging on the blazer.

“Don’t give me any ideas.” Schulderich snapped, clinging
around his pillow as Nagi dragged Crawford’s jacket off his shoulder.
He was feeling less than sated from Crawford’s previous no-show.

“But…!” Wide eyes peered over his face as Nagi tried to wedge
in between Schulderich and the plush cushion, pleading in his most
adorable voice. “Schu, come on! I… I…” His gaze fell on
the endless
smooth skin on Schulderich’s neck, where the gauzy fabric of his
nightgown obscured the sight of his nipples unsuccessfully. With
their bodies so closely pressed he could almost touch them, could see
through the pink cloth and… and…

Nagi gasped. “Uwaa!!!” He pointed to Schulderich’s chest where
Chinese character softly glowed. “You have one, too! And it’s

“Told you,” Farfarello rasped, watching his own character light
up. “Ne, Nagi, does your…”

The bathroom doors opened to reveal Crawford wearing a white bed
sheet and no glasses, his unbearably well-built chest
exposed. “Everyone! Get ready!” A similar red character burned at
neck and he ran towards the bed where everyone else had gathered,
wrapping his arms around Schulderich.

Nagi screamed as radiant crimson beams overflowed from their bodies
and then everything disappeared into the bright light, only
Crawford’s booming voice the only warning of what was happening.

“We’re going to China!!!”


“Omi, speak to me!” Ken wailed, his right hand brushing frantically
over Omi’s damp head of hair. He didn’t tripped down the stairs, but
rather fainted as they were talking about Yoji’s female guest.

“You don’t look so good yourself,” Yoji commented as he handed
glass of water to the soccer player, noticing how pale Ken’s lips had
suddenly become. Not only him but Aya, as well, looked oddly
uncomfortable, his hands gripped tightly on Yoji’s arm as he pushed
himself up.

Something about the girl… Aya glanced back to where Yoji’s sister
sat, feeling greatly disturbed by her being there. Yoji had only
spoken of her once and Aya thought nothing of it, but right now it
was as if her very presence was… menacing. The girl, too, looked
slightly wary of him.

“Yokatta!” Ken sighed, pulling Omi’s to his arms as blue eyes
fluttered open and Omi smiled at them weakly.

“Just dizzy” Omi explained. He sat up and took a drink of water,
guided by Ken’s overprotective arms. “Sorry for…”

Ken’s careful fingers pressed against his lips, the older boys
shaking his head and smiling gently. “Daijobou da yo, Omi.”

“Ara, I thought…” Yoji started with a grin, before Aya’s
tightened over his hand and he felt the younger man shudder.


Aya looked as if he would double over. “Abunai…” he barely


Bright, bright, bright, bright red light flooded from behind the
counter, followed by heavy thudding sounds and a couple of yelps and
hisses. Yoji and Miaka gasped at the familiar sight but Yoji was
presently more concerned by the bluish spark on Aya’s forehead. As it
was Aya’s eyes were tightly shut.

The entire shop flashed with white light once and suddenly everything
was back to normal. Miaka had her mouth covered, staring wildly as
red glowing still lingered around her body. A dark head poked from
behind the counter, large navy blue eyes staring at plants on

“You know… China looks a lot more familiar than I
thought…” Nagi
wondered out loud, as Crawford groaned from beneath him. The poor man
had unfortunately broken his fall with his head, Schulderich still
safely tucked in his arms. And *very* happily staying there.

“Omae…” Aya watched the boy look around, until finally their
met, Nagi’s eyes a deep blue that clicked with a memory. The last
time he saw that face he was flung off a brick wall with a glance… It

“SCHWARZ!?!” Aya proclaimed, recognizing Nagi’s curious face.

Nagi struggled to climb over the counter, making use of Crawford’s
shoulder as a stepping stool. “Mmm..?”

“Nagi!” Crawford roared, almost crushing Schulderich in his arms.
Schulderich seemed occupied with other things, though, his expression
going blank before shifting into an impish smirk, pushing his way out
off Crawford’s grip. He hastily knelt up, searching the room with
elated eagerness.

“Why, it’s…” Schulderich stood up behind a confused
Nagi, eyes
locking on the source of delightfully familiar thoughts he recognized
right away as… “Omittchii~i!”

“Omi!” Nagi called cheerfully, brightening up.

“Nagi-kun!” Omi replied, sitting up from Ken’s lap as he
Nagi’s voice; he wondered for a second if it was a bad idea
displaying such camaraderie with a former Schwarz member in front of
Aya-kun, but… well, all of the Schwarz members were present, so
bedlam would be inevitable anyway… He waved right back, then frowned
as Schulderich winked at him.

“Oi, I don’t remember *us* bonding…” he murmured.

*Perhaps, but little Nagi’s thoughts of you are enough to make me
interested.* Schulderich replied in his head. Nagi caught the mental
implication and elbowed him in the ribs, Omi simply scratching his
head in confusion.


Nagi smiled brightly. “Nan demo nai, Omi-kun!”

“Omi!” Aya stood right in between the two boys, not only to block
their conversation but any telekinetic impulses Nagi may suddenly
decide to fling at them. “Move back! Ken, get ready!”

Ken could only stare at Schulderich, who had sashayed gracefully
around the counter and was now eyeing Aya appreciatively.

“Not bad, Kudou…” he drawled, unabashedly observing how
Aya’s jeans
molded over his rear. And then he caught Ken’s stare, and winked at
the boy.

Ken simply blinked back, voice aloud and full of wonder. “Hey,
wearing a dress!”

Schulderich’s false enthusiasm echoed Ken’s, down to the shock
registered on his face. “Hey, your girlfriend’s a boy!”

“Enough of this,” Crawford warned, standing behind Schulderich after
seeing Aya’s current expression. It was one that he’d seen often in
the past moments before silver glinted in the air and a
resounding “Shi-ne!” rattled Takatori out of old age.
“We’re not here
to fight.”

Farfarello looked very unhappy with that declaration.

“Why are you here then?” And unfamiliar voice asked, and all eight
pairs of questioning glances went towards the direction of the shop
table. Miaka sat there with her smudged mascara and her fourth red
bean bun, looking straight at Crawford.

“Omae…” Crawford whispered. “Miko…”

It was odd enough for Miaka to seem so comfortable talking to the
man, but when she stood up and ran to him, throwing her arms around
him, everything seemed to fall apart for Yoji. “Oi! Bakayarou!”

“Hotohori!” Miaka shrieked, crying again. Unlike what
instantly dreaded, Crawford did not threaten to kill her, or push her
away. He put his arms around her and silence reigned once again.

“Minna…” Miaka whispered.

“I don’t know who you are, but…” Crawford whispered

“But somehow I feel as if you’ve caused us a lot of trouble.”
Farfarello finished, staring at Miaka with wide eyes. Miaka blinked
at that, then burst into laughter. “It’s you, Tasuki!”

Tasuki? Hotohori? Yoji stared at both Schwarz assassins
dumfounded. “Can someone tell me what the hell is going on?”

Miaka’s eyes were shining. “Oniichan,” she called, hands
clasping. “It’s them, reborn, just like Taka.” She seemed to
dishearten at the mention of Taka’s name, but shrugged it off.

“Nani?!” Yoji was more upset than confused now.

Nagi started laughing out of the blue, and everyone
sweatdropped. “Darling?” Schulderich asked.

“Of course! Miaka! Now I remember!” In a very un-Nagi like fashion
started explaining how he had these recurring dreams and odd
memories, Omi nodding at every sentence.

Yoji looked unimpressed. “Get to the point!”

“I died last, and Taitskun told me how everyone can retrieve their

“Memories?” Yoji echoed, sounding very, very impatient.

“I… remember everything now…” Nagi murmured, closing his
Suddenly he was deeply serious, shifting from his previous glee in an
instant. Like a switch, or a mask being put on then off, Crawford
always noted.

“All of us have strange memories,” Schulderich added, who was now
lounging over the counter and smelling various flowers. “It’s what
kept us together in the first place.”

“Schwarz…” Ken wondered out loud, surprised by the quiet,
voices of their former opponents. It seemed so out of place, and yet…
was it?

+ end of first reading +++

+ Forward all comments to Aki-niichan through Kaede Shu, at